Sidemount diving unlocks a whole new world of underwater exploration, offering improved trim, gas management, and freedom of movement. But choosing the right sidemount wing is crucial for ensuring comfort, safety, and a smooth dive experience.
That's where the XDEEP Stealth 2.0 series comes in, boasting three distinct wings: Classic, TEC, and REC. But which one reigns supreme for your diving needs? Buckle up because, in this review, we're diving in to take a closer look!
The Spine & Bladders
First and foremost, it’s worth pointing out that all three XDeep Stealth wing systems, the Classic, Rec and Tec, are based on the same ground-breaking Stealth 2.0 harness at their core.
This harness allows for many configurations and additions to any XDeep sidemount wing system ranging from central weight pockets and droppable and trim weight pockets to cargo pockets and butt plates. Whether diving recreationally or technically, you can configure the harness to match your requirements in many ways.
The main difference between recreational and technical harnesses is the former has easy on-and-off shoulder clips while the latter utilises a DIR style harness without break points.
Secondly, all three Xdeep Sidemount systems also come in RD (Redundant Bladder) versions for wetsuit diving. But this review will focus only on the standard systems with links to the RD versions as the only difference is in the weight of the system and having a second internal bladder.
Finally, also not covered in this review is that other than the Classic, both the Tec and Rec systems come in multiple colour options. In that Xdeep has everything covered to make your diving safe, easy and fun.

XDeep Sidemount Stealth 2.0 CLASSIC
The XDeep sidemount Stealth 2.0 Classic, the first of its kind, was designed explicitly for cave diving, including extreme exploration of very tight caves – though this didn’t disqualify it from being used in open water.
Because the wing has its own independent five-point mounting system, it can be placed exactly where it needs to be.
During the dive as you mount and demount cylinders, drop stages or clip off scooters, the wing position can be adjusted to maintain trim and optimum position.
Its 16Kg (35.2Lb) buoyancy is ample enough to support 4 cylinders in a sidemount configuration.
The Stealth 2.0 Classic, which revolutionised side-mount diving, comes in single bladder and redundant bladder versions.
Xdeep Stealth 2.0 TEC
Three years after the Classic, XDeep decided to make the world's best sidemount system even better.
As its base, XDeep used the outstanding Stealth 2.0 harness and weight management system, so that all Stealth components could be seamlessly compatible.
The perfect streamlining and balance of the Classic was retained, but in a wing that offered additional lift to cope with the demands of deep, multi-cylinder technical dives.
The now much more popular Stealth 2.0 Tec, though, as the name implies, with its 19kg (41.8Lb) lift, was brought out to support up to 8 cylinders in a sidemount configuration, therefore qualifying as perfect for deep multistage decompression diving both in open water and overhead environments.
The Tec is also an excellent choice for the ambitious recreational diver considering advanced sidemount and multi-bottle configurations in the future. The XDeep Stealth 2.0 Tec is available both in standard, redundant bladder and colour versions.
Xdeep Stealth 2.0 REC
But not all divers want to use stage bottles, do deep caves or push the limits even if they feel sidemount is the right way to go for them.
So the Stealth 2.0 Rec, providing a buoyancy of 13kg (28.6LB), is an option for open water or overhead recreational divers that need no more than 2 sidemount cylinders for their underwater adventures.
Unlike the Classic and Tec wings that have no breakpoint (no quick release buckle) DIR style harnesses and are adjusted with tri-glides to fit the diver best, the Stealth 2.0 Rec is adjustable with ITW Nexus Quick Release buckles similar to a standard jacket-style BC configuration which for some may make it easier to don and doff.
The XDeep Stealth 2.0 Rec (Sport/Recreational) diving sidemount wing system is available in standard, redundant bladder, standard colour and redundant bladder colour versions.
No Compromise in Quality
Whatever the name, purpose or price, XDeep does not compromise on quality of any of their sidemount or backmount wings.
All three Stealth wing systems boast a double-shell “Mexican Style” bladder where the inner bladder is Nylon 440 DTEX with 0.2mm TPU quoting, and the outer shell fabric is Cordura 1100 Dtex.
Each is perfect for travel, whether by land, sea or air, given the difference in the system weight between them is relatively insignificant: The Classic complete set weighs 2.4Kg, the Rec 2.6Kg and the heaviest of all, the Tec weighs a mere 2.8Kg with the minor weight differences being proportional to lift capacity.
Which is best?
Even though it's a personal choice based on preference and needs, the most popular XDeep sidemount system has recently been the all-rounder Stealth 2.0 Tec. Popular not just among seasoned cave and ocean divers but also those progressing into sidemount diving and want a future-proof system.
As mentioned, the Stealth 2.0 Classic was where it all began, revolutionising sidemount diving worldwide. But as explorations went deeper and for longer, within a matter of years, the Stealth 2.0 Tec entered the scene as an improved solution.
Due to its ability to maintain perfect trim and a slender profile even with multiple cylinders, it soon became one of the market's most sought-after sidemount wing systems.
Both the Classic and Tec are for advanced diving and/or divers who wish to advance in sidemount diving.
While it appears similar to the Tec, the XDeep Stealth 2.0 Rec was explicitly designed for sport/recreational divers who wanted the flexibility, trim and safety of sidemount diving. Although it can be used for brief cave/cavern dives, it mostly addresses open-water divers who want to avoid back-mounted cylinders.
Because of its “recreational” nature, whilst not compromising on the quality of the Stealth 2.0 harness or the bladders (which are identical material throughout the range) unlike the Classic and Tec that have DIR-style no-break-point harnesses, the Rec harness has shoulder strap pinch clips similar to a traditional BC jacket.
Whichever way you go, with XDeep systems, you won't go wrong!